We are a member club of the Florida Region of USA Volleyball. As a player you may stop any unwanted contact from a club representative by simply asking (either verbally or in writing) that all contact cease. Any player believing a club representative of any Florida Region volleyball club has been intimidating, harassing, or acted inappropriately in any manner of contact or recruiting should contact the Florida Region office at (352) 742-0080.

Handbook - Club Rules & Code of Conduct


Club Director: Luiz Marcelo da Silva

We are a member club of the Florida Region of USA Volleyball. As a player, you may stop any unwanted contact from a club representative by simply asking (either verbally or in writing) that all contact cease. Any player believing a club representative of any Florida Region volleyball club has been intimidating, harassing, or acted inappropriately in any manner of contact or recruiting should contact the Florida Region office at (352) 742-0080.


Covered Organizations/LAOs are required to implement the following athlete abuse prevention policies

To satisfy these requirements, USA Volleyball provides these policies to USAV member clubs. Clubs may choose to implement stricter standards.

SafeSport Club Policies

One-on-One Interactions, including meetings and individual training sessions (Clubs are required to establish reasonable procedures to limit one-on-one interactions, as set forth in federal law)

  • Massages and rubdowns/athletic training modalities Locker rooms and changing areas
  • Social media and electronic communications
  • Local travel
  • Team travel

These policies shall apply to the following:

  • Adult members at a facility that is either partially or fully under the jurisdiction of a FLORIDA REGION CLUB
  • Adult members who have regular contact with amateur athletes who are minors
  • Any adult authorized by FLORIDA REGION CLUB that may have regular contact with or authority over an amateur athlete who is a minor
  • Adult staff and board members of a FLORIDA REGION CLUB

(Collectively “Applicable Adult” for the purposes of this policy)


Observable and interruptible

One-on-one interactions between a minor athlete and an Applicable Adult (who is not the minor’s legal guardian) at a facility partially or fully under the jurisdiction of a FLORIDA REGION CLUB are permitted if they occur at an observable and interruptible distance by another adult.

One-on-one interactions between minor athletes and an Applicable Adult (who is not the minor’s legal guardian) at a facility partially or fully under the jurisdiction of a Covered Organization/LAO are prohibited, except in the circumstances described in meetings with mental health care professionals and health care providers of this section and under emergency circumstances.

Meetings between Applicable Adults and minor athletes at a facility partially or fully under the jurisdiction of a FLORIDA REGION CLUB may only occur if another adult is present, except under emergency circumstances. Such meetings must occur where interactions can be easily observed and at an interruptible distance from another adult.

If a one-on-one meeting takes place in an office at a facility partially or fully under the jurisdiction of a FLORIDA REGION CLUB, the door to the office must remain unlocked and open. If available, it will occur in an office that has windows, with the windows, blinds, and/or curtains remaining open during the meeting.

Meetings with mental health care professionals and health care providers

If a mental health care professional and/or health care provider meets with minor athletes at a facility partially or fully under the jurisdiction of FLORIDA REGION CLUB, a closed-door meeting may be permitted to protect patient privacy provided that:

The door remains unlocked and another adult is present at the facility.

The other adult is advised that a closed-door meeting is occurring written legal guardian consent is obtained in advance by the mental health care professional and/or health care provider, with a copy provided to the organization.

Individual training sessions

Individual training sessions between Applicable Adults and minor athletes are permitted at a facility partially or fully under the jurisdiction of FLORIDA REGION CLUB if the training session is observable and interruptible by another adult. It is the responsibility of the Applicable Adult to obtain the written permission of the minor’s legal guardian in advance of the individual training session if the individual training session is not observable and interruptible by another adult. Permission for individual training sessions must be obtained at least every six months. Parents, guardians, and other caretakers must be allowed to observe the training session.


Any massage or rubdown/athletic training modality performed at a facility or a training or competition venue under the jurisdiction of FLORIDA REGION CLUB must be conducted in an open and interruptible location. Any massage of a minor athlete must be done with at least one other adult present and must never be done with only the minor athlete and the person performing the massage or rubdown/athletic training modality in the room.


Non-exclusive facility

If FLORIDA REGION CLUB uses a facility not fully under their jurisdiction (for, e.g., training or competition or similar events) and the facility is used by multiple constituents, Applicable Adults in categories 1 through 4 are nonetheless required to adhere to the rules set forth herein..

Use of recording devices

Use of any device’s (including a cell phone’s) recording capabilities, including voice recording, still cameras and video cameras in locker rooms, changing areas, or similar spaces at a facility under the jurisdiction of FLORIDA REGION CLUB is prohibited. Exceptions may be made for media and championship celebrations, provided that such exceptions are approved by the FLORIDA REGION CLUB and two or more Applicable Adults are present.


Under no circumstances shall an unrelated Applicable Adult at a facility under the jurisdiction of FLORIDA REGION CLUB intentionally expose his or her breasts, buttocks, groin, or genitals to a minor athlete.

One-on-one interactions

Except for athletes on the same team, at no time are unrelated Applicable Adults permitted to be alone with a minor athlete in a locker room or changing area when at a facility under the partial or full jurisdiction of FLORIDA REGION CLUB , except under emergency circumstances.

If FLORIDA REGION CLUB is using a facility that only has a single locker room or changing area, separate times will be designated for use by Applicable Adults, if any.


FLORIDA REGION CLUB will regularly and randomly monitor the use of locker rooms and changing areas at facilities under their jurisdiction to ensure compliance with these policies.


As part of FLORIDA REGION CLUB emphasis on athlete safety, all electronic communications between a coach and athlete must be professional in nature and for the purpose of communicating information about team activities.


All electronic communication originating from Applicable Adults to minor athletes must be professional in nature.

Open and transparent

Absent emergency circumstances, if an Applicable Adult with authority over minor athletes needs to communicate directly with a minor athlete via electronic communications (including social media), another Applicable Adult or the minor athlete’s legal guardian will be copied.

If a minor athlete communicates to an Applicable Adult (with authority over the minor athlete) privately first, said Applicable Adult should respond to the minor athlete with a copy to another Applicable Adult or the minor athlete’s legal guardian.

When an Applicable Adult with authority over minor athletes communicates electronically to the entire team, said Applicable Adult will copy another adult.

Minor athletes may “friend” the organization’s official page.

Facebook, Myspace, blogs, and similar sites

Coaches may not have athletes of FLORIDA REGION CLUB’s Team join a personal social media page. Athlete members and parents can friend the official FLORIDA REGION CLUB’s Team page and coaches can communicate to athlete members though the site. All posts, messages, text, or media of any kind between coach and athlete must be professional in nature and for the purpose of communicating information about team activities or for team-oriented motivational purposes.

Twitter, instant messaging and similar media

Coaches and athletes may “follow” each other. All posts between coach and athlete must be for the purpose of communicating information about team activities.

Email and similar/electronic communications

Athletes and coaches may use email to communicate. All email content between coach and athlete must be professional in nature and for the purpose of communicating information about team activities. Where the coach is a staff member and/or volunteer, email from a coach to any athlete we recommend come from the club website email center (the coach’s return email address will contain “@CLUB.com”).

Texting and similar electronic communications

Texting is allowed between coaches and athletes. All texts between coach and athlete must be professional and for the purpose of communicating information about team activities.

Electronic imagery

From time to time, digital photos, videos of practice or competition, and other publicly obtainable images of the athlete – individually or in groups – may be taken. These photos and/or videos may be submitted to local, state or national publications, used in club videos, posted on club or club associated websites, or offered to the club families seasonally on disc or other electronic form. It is the default policy of FLORIDA REGION CLUB to allow such practices as long as the athlete or athletes are in public view and such imagery is both appropriate and in the best interest of the athlete and the club. Imagery must not be contrary to any rules as outlined in FLORIDA REGION CLUB’s Participant Safety Handbook.

Request to discontinue all electronic communication or imagery

The parents or guardians of an athlete may request in writing that their child not be contacted by any form of electronic communication by coaches or Applicable Adults subject to this policy. (Photography or videography). The FLORIDA REGION CLUB will abide by any such request that their minor athlete not be contacted via electronic communication, absent emergency circumstances.


Social media and electronic communications can also be used to commit misconduct (e.g., emotional, sexual, bullying, harassment, and hazing). Such communications by coaches, staff, volunteers, administrators, officials, parents or athletes will not be tolerated and are considered violations of our Participant Safety Handbook.


Violations of FLORIDA REGION CLUB’s Electronic Communications and Social Media Policy should be reported to your immediate supervisor, a FLORIDA REGION CLUB administrator or a member of FLORIDA REGION CLUB’s Participant Safety Committee for evaluation. Complaints and allegations will be addressed under FLORIDA REGION CLUB’s Disciplinary Rules and Procedure.


This policy shall apply to:

  • Adult members who have regular contact with amateur athletes who are minors
  • Any adult authorized by FLORIDA REGION CLUB to have regular contact with or authority over an amateur athlete who is a minor
  • Adult staff and board members of FLORIDA REGION CLUB
  • (Collectively “Applicable Adult” for the purposes of this policy)


Local travel consists of travel to training, practice, and competition that occurs locally and does not include coordinated overnight stay(s).


Applicable Adults who are not also acting as a legal guardian, shall not ride in a vehicle alone with an unrelated minor athlete, absent emergency circumstances, and must have at least two minor athletes or another adult at all times, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the minor athlete’s parent/legal guardian in advance of each local travel.


Team travel is travel to a competition or other team activity that the organization plans and supervises.

Team/competition travel

When only one Applicable Adult and one minor athlete travel to a competition, the minor athlete must have his/her legal guardian’s written permission in advance and for each competition to travel alone with said Applicable Adult.

Hotel Room

Regardless of gender, a coach shall not share a hotel room or other sleeping arrangements with a minor player. (Unless coach is the parent, guardian or sibling of the player) However, a parent/legal guardian may consent to such an arrangement in advance and in writing. Furthermore, a parent/legal guardian may consent in advance and in writing to the minor athlete sharing a hotel room or other sleeping arrangement with an adult athlete

Coach or his/her designee will establish a curfew by when all players must be in their hotel rooms in a supervised location. Regular monitoring and curfew checks will be made to each room by at least two properly background screened adults. At no time should one adult be present in room with minor players, regardless of gender.

Team personnel should ask hotel to block adult pay per view channels.


Meetings shall be conducted consistent with the FLORIDA REGION CLUB policy for one-on-one interactions

Individual meetings between coach and player may not occur in hotel sleeping rooms and must be held in public setting or with additional adults present with one of those adults being the same gender as the player.

Club Release Policy

If an athlete/family decides to depart Hunters Creek Volleyball Academy during the respective season, the following steps must take place:

Release Policy:

STEP 1 – The athlete/family in question must submit a written request for release to the Club Director, Luiz da Silva, (at the club’s email address: info@hunterscreekvolleyball.com ) and to the Florida Region at membership@floridavolleyball.org stating the reason for the request.

STEP 2 – Club will release the athlete immediately once the following item(s) have been completed:

  • Athlete returns all club gear provided to athlete this season.
  • Member must remit all financial obligations agreed upon contractually. Payment Option – Member pays full cost of season.
  • Transfer Policy: A player can represent only one club during the Season. A change in geographical location of the family due to a change in job, military, scholastic or inner-collegiate status may receive special consideration. No player may participate in different Qualifying events with different clubs/teams. Proof of residency must be provided by the family at the time of the release/transfer request.
  • Once an athlete has participated in a National Qualifier Event (Regional or NQ) they may not be released for the rest of the season to another club. Please refer to the USA Volleyball (USAV) Championship Manual on releases for athletes that participate in regional or national qualifying/bid events.

Hunters Creek Volleyball Academy Club Rules & Code of Conduct



A Player will only be accepted and considered an athlete from our club after filling up all the registration forms provided on the registration package. 


Once a player completes the registration, the player and also the parents/guardian accept with NO EXCEPTIONS all the rules below, as well as all the contracts and obligations within, that will be enforced in full, NO EXCEPTIONS.


Every Player must provide an AAU membership *IT IS MANDATORY FOR EVERY PLAYER EITHER ON THE BEGINNERS PROGRAM OR COMPETITIVE TEAMS* For Competitive programs, parents may also need to enroll the player in other associations. Parents are responsible for enrolling the player in all required associations (USAV, AAU or others as may be required), and paying all fees as necessary, and if they fail in provide proof of registration for one or more of the required associations upon request, a fine of $10,000 will be issued against the player’s parent or guardian, plus any costs the club may incur as a result of the breach of this clause, including but not limited to Association Fine against the club,  athlete’s medical costs, attorney costs, or any other costs the club may incur due to lack of registration.


Our AAU Club code for the season is W34Y5W HUNTERS CREEK VOLLEYBALL ACADEMY


For some teams you may also need to join USAV: Our club code for USAV is HCVBA


If Player/parent/guardian fails to provide a valid AAU Membership the Player will not be allowed to participate in any practice or other activity or event, and the payments will remain due as per Commitment Contract/Financial Agreement in full;


The payments are due on every 1st or 5th of the month as specified on your Financial Agreement and no later than the 10th of every month, after this date a late fee will be added to your balance. No exceptions to this rule.




It is the responsibility of the player/parents to check the emails, messages and the social media page to keep informed about any changes on the schedule.


We use the OCPS Facilities for our practices so we must follow the OCPS calendar and rules. So  in the event of the school being closed during school vacations and/or holidays, or the gym not being available, or for any other reason that prevents us from using the facilities for practices, the practices or activity will need to be canceled.


In the event of practice cancellations, no refund, discount, makeup practices, rain check or other will be provided.


The prices and fees:


For the Academy Practices, the cost is US$160 per month


For the competitive teams the total cost for the program will be informed in writing to the player/parent/guardian and a Financial Agreement will be signed for the season. The price is for the totality of the season and will vary from team to team.


As a parent/guardian you must commit to the team’s practices and tournaments schedule, to provide all logistical and financial support either for local or traveling tournaments.


Our tournament schedule is tentative, and we may need to change tournaments locations, dates, and teams to better accommodate the club and players’ needs.


We provide to all participants 1 practice jersey that players must wear in all the practices, if a new practice jersey is needed the club will charge an extra fee. The players are responsible to attend all practices wearing the correct attire adequate to volleyball practice which includes but is not limited to shoes, knee pads, socks, shorts and practice jerseys.


In the event of a parent needing to contact one of the coaches or directors from the club this contact can NEVER be made during a practice or a Game/Tournament and THE MOST IMPORTANT NEVER in front of any kid/player or another parent. In the case of a necessity to speak to a Coach or Club DIrector a meeting must be requested and scheduled, and ALL the issues must be discussed in a scheduled meeting or if parents prefer via email. NEVER IN A PUBLIC POST IN A SOCIAL MEDIA OR GROUP CHAT, IF THAT RULE IS NOT FOLLOWED THE CHILD WILL BE REMOVED FROM OUR ACADEMY AND NO REFUND WILL BE ISSUED AND A PENALTY OF US$5,000 (Five Thousand Dollars) will be issued against the parent/player FOR EVERY POST OR ANY ATTEMPTS TO CONTACT COACHES DURING PRACTICES. A meeting can be requested at any time via email: info@hunterscreekvolleyball. com.


We understand that the parents are eager to provide instructions and teach new techniques to the team and to the players during the games and practices. Unfortunately, most of the parents have no idea what they are talking about and most of the time the “little tips” are extreme nonsense. SO REFRAIN FROM PROVIDING TIPS OR INSTRUCTIONS TO PLAYERS, if this happens and becomes an issue we may need to take measures to disallow disruptive parents from attending matches, all to provide a better environment that allow Hunters Creek Volleyball Academy’s players and coaches, to perform at their best.


We are a Volleyball Club with a focus on the practices of Volleyball, WE ARE NOT A DAYCARE, so it is your responsibility to drop off and pick up the player at the venues ON TIME, either for the practices or for the games, the coaches/directors/staff WILL NOT STAY AT THE VENUES WAITING FOR ANY PARENT/GUARDIAN and you daughter/son/player may stay alone until your arrival.


All the parents must be reachable and at no more than 1 hour distance from the venues where we are having either the games or the practices. If a parent cannot assist the player as described above, the player won’t be allowed to participate in a practice or a game. IF ANY SITUATION ARISE AND PARENT/GUARDIAN IS NOT REACHABLE WE WILL CALL 911 AT PARENTS/GUARDIAN EXPENSES AND RESPONSIBILITY.


As the parent of a Hunters Creek Volleyball Academy prospect player you are responsible to read and understand the tryout guidelines, the recruiting process and the Hunters Creek Volleyball Academy Club Rules and Code of Conduct here listed as well as the rules from USAV, AAU, and the tournament rules that included but not limited to understand that a player cannot play for another USAV or AAU volleyball club during the season without the consent of the Hunters Creek Volleyball Academy and USAV and/or AAU offices.


As a parent/guardian you must commit to conduct with appropriate sportsmanship at all times either at practices or at events with respect to Coaches, team players, referees, event organizers and other teams .


As a parent/guardian you must commit to the club’s travel policies and will act promptly on hotel scheduling requests and travel arrangements.


As a parent/guardian you must understand that all the players are required to stay in the same team hotel on every trip at player expenses and that cost is not included on the Season Price.


As a parent/guardian you must understand that if a player does not stay in the team hotel, she will not be allowed to participate in the tournament. .


The uniform or practice Jerseys will only be provided if specified on the Agreement, NOTE that to reduce costs and help some parents the uniform costs may NOT be included on the monthly payments and must be paid as an extra.


As a parent/guardian you must understand that we will provide 1 set only of Uniform Package/Jerseys on the size requested during the enrollment, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SIZE YOU REQUESTED.


As a parent/guardian you must understand that we will provide the Uniform Package/Jerseys and that we are not responsible for any damage or lost of any piece of the package


The Hunters Creek Volleyball Academy is an organization registered under the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU). 


We are not sponsored by or affiliated with any School District.


This organization’s mission is to provide an affordable and competitive club environment that builds a strong foundation of fundamental skills, techniques and game strategies in our athletes while building their love for sport and in particular for the game of volleyball.


The Hunters Creek Volleyball Academy currently welcomes youth athletes ages 8 -17


Our Coaching Staff is dedicated, experienced and comprises volunteers who have been associated with the game of volleyball for many years. They are required to provide instruction that is appropriate based on our athletes age and ability.


TryOuts/Team Placement


Based on our need we may promote a Try Out/Placement practice. This tryout does not configure any guarantee of placement on a specific team but we will offer to all the players the opportunity to be part of our academy, either on a team or just on an Academy Practices.


Age Divisions:


We will follow the age division bracket post on USAV or AAU webpage in accordance to the player date of birth.


We WILL NOT allow players to play out on a lower age division unless we have an approval from AAU/USAV or from the Tournament Organizer.


Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to AAU national, USAV qualifying and championship events. 18 and Under Division:




The club and player/parents are bound by the details and payments listed on the Finance Agreement and may not be released from the agreement and payment commitment until the end of the season.


Checks can be made payable to Hunters Creek Volleyball Academy. A US$35 fee will be charged for returned checks


The payment can be made via Check, Cash Payment App (Zelle etc) or Credit Card.


The parent/Player is responsible to keep all the receipts for payments for future reference. If a payment is disputed and Parent/Player cannot provide a valid receipt the amount will remain due until paid.


Team Selection:


Our Club would like to have every player make a team but that is not always feasible, for that reason we hold tryouts so we can select the athletes


The selection/placement is based on age, skills, potential, positive attitude, coach-ability and the availability of coaching staff at each team’s coach discretion for placement on the competitive teams.


The offer to be on a team must be accepted or declined by the parent/legal guardian immediately after tryout and a Non Refundable commitment fee of US250 must be paid to hold the spot, that fees will be used as part of the payment of the athlete season


The Club teams are made up of 8 to 12 athletes


Our Club may move an athlete from one team to another or offer an athlete an opportunity to play with another team in our club for certain tournaments. Our reasoning for moving an athlete can be but not limited to: a loss of another athlete due to injury, position on a team, skill level, or missing athletes for tournaments.


If at any time during the season for any reason our Club cannot offer a team placement for a player the parents will be waived from all future payments for the Season but NO REFUNDS will be issued for the previous payments. If the athlete/player wants to stay practicing at the Academy Practices, the price for the academy will be charged normally as all the others.




Practices will begin soon after our club teams are selected.


Our players are expected to be at every practice scheduled unless they contact their Coach in advance or are already excused.


Our Coaches may refuse to play an athlete in a tournament if that athlete has been absent from the prior practice without a legitimate excuse.


All players need to notify their Coach as soon as possible about any conflicts in schedule.


*** Communication with your coach is key. ***




Every parent and player MUST have a WHATSAPP App installed on your smartphone. We create groups on WHATSAPP that we use to communicate and post importante information.


Tournaments & Travel


A list of all the tournaments (the list is a tentative) included on your team package will be provided in written or via Group chat or other media;




Not all tournaments are included in all the programs, PLEASE make sure to enroll your player on the correct program.


For some competitive teams/programs the tournaments must be paid as an Extra. .


Tournaments are typically held on a Saturday & Sunday but sometimes also on weekdays.


The Season starts in November and ends in June. Mini-Season August and end October


The tournament schedule will be posted on the Social Media Group, WhatsApp or distributed by your coaches.


Many of the local tournaments are within a 70 mile radius from Hunters Creek


Tournaments usually start as early as 7:00am and can go as late as 8:00 pm or even later if our teams make the playoffs. Be aware that it is mandatory to stay for the whole length of the games, including staying for referee on our designated working games.


Be sure that your athletes get plenty of rest the night before and plan your personal schedule accordingly.


Athletes must be prepared with all for the appropriate gear including but not limited to BOTH SETS OF JERSEYS, knee pads, shoes, short, socks to leave very early in the morning and be out very late those nights if we are in the playoffs


On an out of town multi-day tournament, you may need to stay the night before the tournament because of the distance needed to travel. Travel expenses are the responsibility of each player’s family to include but not limited to hotel, transportation, and food.


If a team decides to participate in a tournament that is not listed on the original proposal, each team member will split the entry fee plus an additional US$50 per person to cover Coaches travel expenses, due prior to the deadline to register the team on the tournament/event.


Players can elect to not participate in additional events if they are unable to make it. Their portion of the additional fee will be split among those participating on the team.


On the Agreement for the season we will add all the tournaments that are already included on the Season price;


Once the team is enrolled in a tournament, ALL THE PARENTS/GUARDIANS are responsible to make all the arrangements for Hotel, Transportation, and Chaperone for the player if they are not traveling with them. The Coaches CANNOT BE CHAPERONES FOR UNDERAGE PLAYERS.


Playing Time:


Our Coaching Staff will make every effort to offer FAIR playing time amongst our athletes wherever possible, but there is NO GUARANTEE of equal playing time.


There are limited positions on each team and players each have their own skill set.


Our Coaches will make the final decisions on the starting line-up, positions, and playing time in the best interest of their team.


During tournaments our Coaches will make a conscious effort to play every athlete who has attended practices, but it is at Coaches discretion to play those athletes that may advance our teams further.


Injuries or Prolonged Illness:


USA and AAU rules state that our Club requests a medical document from any and all players who are injured or sick, for a period of time of more than one week or 2 practices, before we can allow them to return to practice or to play in tournaments. 


Players should expect that extended absence from practices and tournaments will limit playing time upon initial return to play.


Conflict Resolution:


Conflicts that arise that cannot be handled between a player, their coach and the parents or guardians will be handled in the following manner.


A meeting with all parties above will be set up with the club director and a club administrator.

If after the meeting, a resolution can still not be obtained, the issue will be brought to the club’s board of administrators to vote on a final course of action.

All parties will be given a chance to submit their concerns and requested actions to the board in person.

All Meetings will take place within 14 days of conflict. All resolutions will be completed within 21 days of conflict.

All decisions made by the board will be final.


“No parent/person on the floor” Rule.


The rule states: Anyone who is not a member of Hunters Creek Volleyball Academy’s administrators, coaching staff, or players cannot be on the playing surface or around it during any event (games, tournaments, etc) while teams are practicing, warming up or playing.


Spectators/parents must stay in the designated spectator area at tournaments or games. 


NO PARENTS ARE ALLOWED INSIDE THE PRACTICE’S GYM. Parents can stay outside, or in the parking lot waiting until the practices are over.


Coaches and administrators will enforce this policy. Violators will be asked to leave immediately.


“Misconduct” Rule.


The rule states: Misconduct of any kind are grounds for immediate release from Hunters Creek Volleyball Academy and all organizations associated with Hunters Creek Volleyball Academy.


Parent(s) and player(s) will be escorted from the site immediately and released from the club with no refund of any fees or amount paid to Hunters Creek Volleyball Academy or any of its affiliates and will not be released from the obligations from any contract signed, including but not limited to all the monthly payments or installments due. 


Misconduct includes but is not limited to:


Vulgar language at any events directed or within the hearing range of any player, coach or parent of any team in any language that can be understood by any person present.

Demeaning or antagonistic actions toward a referee, player, coach or parent of any team.

Any physical contact made in an aggressive manner against any person.

Any actions deemed as misconduct by the Hunters Creek Volleyball Academy Director and Administrators.


All the rules listed here are to be followed in full, and in the case of any misunderstanding or problem arising from a non listed dispute, Hunters Creek Volleyball Academy must be contacted in writing before any other action.